Shahada meaning
Shahada meaning Shahada i.e. In this topic, we have collected all the details and information that will answer all your questions. Shahadah meaning Learn with Quran is Life shahada meaning and some information and details about it. Shahada meaning in the language: The shahada is the evidence and the definitive evidence, the presence, the examination and the approval of something. Almighty God said: {Whoever witnessed the month, let him fast}. Shahada in Islam has many meanings, which we will discuss in detail below: Shahada meaning Shahada that there is no god but God and that Muhammad is the Messenger of God Shahada, which means soon It is a person's recognition, belief, and realization that no one deserves to be a god or to be worshiped except God alone, who has no partner. Sincerity must be present in all acts and worship. 1- prayer, zakat, dhikr, alms, seeking knowledge. 2- fear, hope, fast, love. Shahada meaning in marriage. When is shahada in marriage? The shahada is a cond...