Learn How to Memorize Quran Online

 Learn How to Memorize Quran Online comes with great benefits and also great challenges.


The Quran consists of 30 Juzs (parts), 114 Surahs (chapters) and 6236 verses, so memorizing the entire Holy Quran is not an easy task. However, with the right learning methodology and consistency, you can learn to memorize Quran online quickly and easily.


Accordingly, "The Quran Classes Institute" has brought together the best online Quran teachers to make learning Hifz online easy for kids and adults.


Under the guidance and supervision of our professional Hifz Quran teachers, you or your children will learn to memorize Quran online step by step. Eventually, it will become a Hafiz eQuran that will bring you unparalleled rewards and benefits in this life and the hereafter.

Learn How to Memorize Quran Online

Benefits of memorizing the Quran

The benefits of memorizing the Quran are limitless and unmatched for all Muslims, children or adults, men or women. So we can only mention a few:


Hafiz eQuran is placed in a higher state in paradise than others.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "With this Book, Allah will exalt some peoples and degrade others" [Sahih Muslim 817 a]. When you learn to memorize the Qur'an and act accordingly; Allah (SWT) will reward you greatly, so that you rise in status in Paradise to a level commensurate with what you memorized from his holy book.

Learn How to Memorize Quran Online by heart makes you a VIP in the Muslim community.

Hafiz of the Qur'an is highly honored in Islam. In Muslim prayers, the one who memorized the Koran most leads the prayer. Even at the time of death, the Qur'an Hafiz is buried before all others in a mass burial.

Learn Quran memorization for children to implant kindness and kindness in their hearts.

When children learn the Quran online and memorize the words of Allah (SWT), the Quran touches their hearts and they adopt the teachings and customs of Islam.

Huffaz eQuran will be the people of Allah and the elect of him.

This is in accordance with the hadith of the prophet Muhammad when he said: "Verily, Allah, the exalted, has people among mankind, and the people of the Qur'an are the people of Allah and his chosen ones" [Ahmed and An Nisai] .

The journey of learning to memorize the Qur'an itself is very rewarding!

Giving time and effort to learn to memorize the Qur'an is met with great rewards from Allah (SWT). For any act that seeks the pleasure and satisfaction of Allah Almighty, you are rewarded for your intention and every step along the way, not just when you reach the goal.


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